KSC Crystals

KSC Crystals
When only the best crystals will do.

Monday 14 December 2015

Witch Stones

The 'Stone of Clear Seeing', helps one to "see" within and all around with increased clarity and understanding.   
Witch stone opens the inner eye to seeing the true self as well as the true self of others. It is a stone that removes the shroud where it needs removing, and clears away the mist and cloud from inner vision and helps to increase intuition.   
This stone can be kept close by to ward away negative energies and threat, by "showing" that ones inner vision and intuition is alive to clear seeing and truth recognition.   
Witch stone helps one to trust in oneself, and it can give strength and clarity to the clairvoyant. As well as being a protector overall to any being both human and animal kind, Witch stone can give extra protection when the clairvoyant sense is in use.   
A stone that helps ease away nightmares and self negativity. Also a stone that can be placed anywhere around the sleeping area, to act as a ‘dream catcher’ and to attract positive blessing through dreams.   
Witch stone has an attraction by faeries and if placed around windows of the home, it can let the fae know that they are welcome to visit. One can also leave small notes attached to the Witch stone or through the stone to ask the fae for friendship and even help, if oneself or a loved one is in need.   
A stone that strengthens hope in the world that cannot be "seen" by so many. Witch stone can be infused with thoughts and messages to all that is a part of this unseen world, but only connects to that of positive nature.   
Witch stone is a good to give to children but it must be kept with them in a safe manner only. The stone encourages positive imagination, brings courage and helps the child to feel a part of all.   
A stone that can be given to the being, both human and animal kind, when the time has come for passing, on passing or after the passing. Witch stone brings comfort and reassurance to them as well helping them to cross into, and settle within the next world.   
“Behind the cloud is light, behind the light is love”  

Saturday 21 November 2015

New crystal pendulums

Some new pendulums to tempt you :- http://www.ksccrystals.com/crystal-pendulums-101-c.asp

Monday 26 October 2015

Coromandel Stonewood™

Coromandel Stonewood™ is rich brown Petrified Wood from New Zealand.  It carries deep memories of the ancient Earth.  This stone was present during the times of Lemuria and it emanates the Lemurian qualities of deep intuition empathy and bodily knowing.    
I holds within itself the very heartbeat of the Earth and it can bring one into ecstatic resonance with its rhythm.

Robert Simmons suggests that it harmonizes especially well with the Revelation Stone. Other high vibration stones that harmonize with Coromandel Stonewood include Sauralite Azeztulite, Cinnazez Empowerite and Sanda Rosa Azezyulite. 
Please follow this link to see them on the website :-

Monday 12 October 2015

Charoite Sphere

Charoite Sphere 

Weighs 189.2 grams


The 'Stone of the Dragon', helps in the opening of the inner senses to their highest potential.

Charoite can give its keeper journeys to remember, this stone helps awaken inner senses with purity and clarity. Charoite also helps to remove blockage and stagnancy from the bodies whole energy flow.

This stone encourages actual time travel of the spirit, taking one into deep astral travel, giving visions and insight to forgotten teachings, forgotten followings and forgotten lands.

Charoite will take one into the past or into the future, this stone works with spirit guides in order to keep control and stability in such journeys.

A very beneficial stone to use in Dream Mastery. Charoite brings one to all doors of the Dream World and helps in stepping through and crossing over into the deepest of Dream states, giving the opportunity to the gaining of the purest of Dream Wisdom.

Charoite is a stone that will work well in positive spell work, magic and wishes. The energies of Charoite will bond instantly with many true to heart wizards and witches. Charoite is a powerful creation that holds the flames from the Dragons self.

A stone that resonates well within all of the bodies energy centres, giving a spark to each, but especially within the Third eye and Crown energy centres. This makes Charoite a good stones for those who are opening to higher awareness and those who wish to put the channeler self out into the world with courage and clarity.

Charoite is a perfect stone to be used where the imagination clearly needs deep stimulation, as well as helping one to face daily life with flames of passion, idea and wisdom. Alongside this, Charoite is a stone that helps one to be more uplifted and positive natured.

"Allowing the energies into oneself is allowing the flames of the Dragon to grow strong"

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Moldavite pendants

New selection of Moldavite pendants have just been added to the website. I have been very impressed with the quality of this new collection, there are some unusual combinations of crystals. 

Please follow this link to see them :- Moldavia Pendants